How long Do Implant Supported Dentures Last?

Anyone looking to get implant supported dentures should be interested in how long it will be before they need replacing. Due to both the cost and extensive surgery associated with getting this type of denture, it is important to be certain it is the right decision before moving forward with the procedure. The good news is research by PubMed on patients with these dentures shows positive results and indicates they should last at least ten years. As with most other prostheses, much of the lifespan depends on the user. Here are some ways to ensure this kind of denture lasts as long as possible.
Unlike traditional dentures, implant supported dentures should not be removed by anyone other than a dentist. Not removing them at night or for cleaning can allow trapped particles to go unnoticed. This means maintenance is vital because small bits of food that become caught can quickly form harmful bacteria around the dentures.
Daily cleaning
Like all teeth, these dentures should be brushed at least twice a day. When brushing with implants, pay special attention to cleaning the gums and areas around the implants. Even a slight buildup of bacteria can cause gum irritation or disease, which is detrimental to all kinds of dental health.
Regular care
Visiting the dentist regularly is also advised to keep the implants as clean as possible and catch any possible issues early. Because the dentist is the only one who should be removing the dentures, there can be areas that need cleaning or issues forming that are not visible while the dentures are in place. Routine dental visits can keep the implants and dentures clean and healthy to encourage longevity.
Overall health
Implant supported dentures rely on the strength of the jawbone to stay in ideal condition. Bones that do not get the proper nutrition tend to weaken. If the jawbones get too weak to support the implants, the situation can necessitate removal. This means personal health is critical to extending the lifespan of these dentures.
Types of food ingested
Eating healthy foods with the right nutrients is crucial. Fresh foods containing lots of vitamins should be consumed daily. It is also important to make sure to include Vitamin D since bones depend heavily on it for strength. Chewing anything sticky, hard, acidic or full of sugar should be minimized. Foods like these are not only unhealthy but also can cause premature wear and tear on the denture surface.
Bone stimulation
Bones that are not used regularly tend to shrink and lose density. This includes the jawbone. To keep the jawbone strong, chew crunchy fruits and vegetables that will both stimulate the bone and provide critical nutrients the body needs to stay healthy.
When implant supported dentures are correctly cared for, and the jawbone is kept healthy through proper nutrition and use, this type of dental prosthetic can last anywhere from 10-20 years or longer. This means once these implants and dentures are in place, they could be the last dentures ever needed. Chew and smile confidently with dentures that will function for a long time.
Are you considering implant supported dentures in the Crystal Lake area? Get more information at
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